Sales have been going pretty well in my
button shop lately, and I must say I get a great sense of satisfaction parcelling everything up and heading to the post office. Lot's of sellers find this a chore but I like looking at a bunch of brown envelopes and thinking about them whizzing about the world. I've 4 things to send off today and last week I trundled down the road with 5 large parcels. It's also an added bonus that it's just at the end of my street and the lady in the post office is lovely and sweet. I keep reading on Etsy about angry/evil UPS men, so I feel quite lucky.
I hope this run of good sales continues in the new year. I can't wait to get my hands on a new camera so I can start listing new things, it's driving me bonkers. Since we were burgled a few months ago I've been sans camera, but Santa aka John has promised me a new one.
PS: This is my 200th post, yey!
we wrap all of our parcels from the folksy shop in brown paper and string with a little button in the middle. cant beat it can you. congrats on the orders and 200th post