I eventually caved and purchased a facebook ad. I had no idea how this would work out, I set the limits pretty small at $10 per day for 3 days, which is a similar price to buying an ad on craftcult for a week. So far I've gotten 7 extra fans and that has cost me ten quid, as you pay per the amount of people that click on the page. To be honest I was expecting better results for my money, and maybe paying for advertising on craft sites would be more cost effective for me. I did want to increase my fanbase beyond people I know though. It seems like it hit the 200 mark and then stopped growing. I did notice an increase in clicks when I switched my picture from a pincushion to mixed buttons, I think this is because in Ireland it's impossible to buy good buttons so it would have grabbed peoples attention. I'll see how the 3 days pan out and I'll let you guys know how it all works out.
I also saw this blog post earlier in the week about sustainable materials being used by artists and designers. It was looking for artists who use recycled materials to exhibit in Limerick City Gallery in a group exhibition of artists working in different media. I couldn't believe I hadn't heard about it earleir and it it literally on my front door step! So I contacted the guy and told him about my recycled and customised clothes, and it looks like I'm going to be exhibiting my work in the gallery. I really can't believe this, since I moved to Limerick 10 years ago it's been my ambition to show my work there. I never would have guessed when I moved down here at the age of 18 that I would be show casing my fashion designs there. It's funny where life can bring you! The work has to be delivered to the space on Friday week (11th March), with the option to rotate the work as the 6 weeks progress. I'm going to create 3 outlandish exhibition pieces, and then have a smaller set of more comercial works there too. To be honest I would have liked more time but I'm well used to working to crazy deadlines at this point.
So if you are or your know any artist working with sustainable material check out this post they are still looking for contributers.
So if you are or your know any artist working with sustainable material check out this post they are still looking for contributers.
Also Happy World Book Day everyone!!
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