As I mentioned
in this post I've been sorting out all the art I've had in boxes, envelopes, and 'safe places'. It's really nice to see the pieces on display and it really wasn't that hard to sort out. Note to self;stop putting things on the long finger, it's worth it when they eventually get done.

Firstly you might remember that I won this piece for
my Halloween costume last year. I've loved Tommy Comerfords work for ages but I really wasn't sure what frame I should put it in. I wanted to keep the torn edge on the print so I placed it on some dark textured paper and contrasted it with this striking gold frame that I had in the studio. I'm really delighted with how it turned out and it taking pride of place over my mantelpiece.

My friend Mary O Dea gave me this wonderful Limerick silkscreen as a Christmas present. It's one of her own pieces that she sells at the
Milk Market, and she also sells really funky silk screened t-shirts. At the moment I've hung it in my studio but at a later date I'd like to get a frame for it.

The piece on the left has a fantastic story, it's by Canadian artist
Amelie Gagne, who is currently living and working in Ireland. I stumbled across her art on twitter and totally fell in love with her work; head over heels. Months ago I posted a link to her website on
my facebook page, thinking nothing of it. Roll on half a year and my sister gets me for Kris Kindle and is looking for something to for buy me. Amazingly she remembers this artists and contacts Amelie looking for something in her budget. I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened my present, it was so amazing that she remembered the post, it's one of the best presents I've gotten in years, and all this effort from a woman who just became a mother 6 months ago!
You might remember
from this post me talking about the piece on the right, it's from
Lynn Kenny, a fantastic local artist.

A brand new gallery just opened up at the Milk Market, in one of the permanent shops, it's called
Elalgallery. It features the photography of Neil Armstrong Jude, his work is strong and edgy, exactly the kind of photos I love. I can't believe a place like this has opened up in Limerick and right at my doorstep. Over Christmas I got lots of gifts in there, 3 pieces based on Dublin for my father, a beautiful sepia pier view for my friend John, and these 3 black and white scenes for myself. On the work alone I love Neils photography, but add on top of that the crazy reasonable prices and he's onto a definite winner. You can buy these small pieces at €4 each or 3 for €10, and the framed works start at €15, how crazy recession busting is that? He has tonnes of images to choose from, I know I'll definitely be back for more; I love buying presents for myself.

There is a funny story behind this. My friend Tara Whelan made this for me after a drunken conversation that I have no clue how she remembered. I was very impressed that she does cross stitch, and she explained her love for creating obscene phrases. Then very kindly she offered to make one for me to put in my studio, after much drunken pondering I came up with this strange phrase. It was conceived in a moment of anger at the horrendous cramps that I get every month, I love the violence of the caption done in such a homely craft. Apparently Tara was stitching this on a train, much the the curiosity of her fellow passengers!
I'm rolling around here laughing,I'd love to see some of my customers faces if they saw this!!!!