In one of my last posts you saw a sneeky peek at one of my new pin cushions. I've made a few more, and just took some quick snapshots of them so you can have a wee look. I love making them, as it's mostly hand stitched. There is something really relaxing about going through that slow process and watching something form in your hands. It also means I can listen to my audiobooks without the buzz of a sewing machine (at the moment I'm listening to Robert Jordans The Wheel of Time series).
I also made new small pin cushions that you can wear on your wrist, these are really handy when your on your hands and knees on the floor doing alterations. The cushion is detachable from the wrist band. One is a cake and the other an iced biscuit. John suggested I make one with a watch face.
a watch one would look really good!